Friday 6 March 2009

Watchmen hype and the top 5 overhyped movies of the internet generation

As the Watchmen movie is about the come out, I'm seriously overwhelmed with the amount of advertising they went through. It seems I couldn't turn on a TV or visit a website without seeing ads for the movie.

It's even hit webcomics and such:

I've made plans to go see it on IMAX but only in a few weeks because they were not good seats left before then. So if you've clicked on the link above, you know I'll be complaining about it being not true or too true enough to the comic.

Now, the other stuff; I've decided to list the top 5 overhyped movies that I can remember (please keep in mind that these are not bad movie in any way but the hype was so great that it was impossible to satify most fans after this much hype):

5- Superman Returns
From about Janurary 1st 2006; all anyone talked about was the new Superman movie. When the first preview hit the fan base was over excited. Around early June the preview was running on every TV channel. I remember seeing the preview on Home & Garden Television... There were also a bunch of ads on the steets of Montreal advertising the movie.

4- Watchmen
As I've mentioned above; all internet sites have ads and the TV won't stop showing the preview without showing any of the story.

3- The Matrix Reloaded/Revolutions
This one is a bit different. In 2003 you couldn't visit an internet site without having someone discuss one of the Matrix sequels. This was amazing because the hype came totally from word of mouth. The original movie had established something so great that a nation of geeks were expecting this to be their generations "Star Wars". Which brings me to my next point...

2- Star Wars Episode 1, The Phantom Menace
This hype started in 1997, a full two years before the movie actually came out. And I mean everything about this movie; from casting to filming locations to fan art became popular. It seems as tough when anything happened about this movie; it hit the internet and chat rooms and bunch of nerds, unknowing that the Matrix sequels were about to get a greenlight, probably were having amazing wet dreams just thinking that they got to see a shot of Tatooine 2 years before they saw it at the theaters wearing their store bought Storm Trooper costumes...

1- Batman (1989)
The summer of 1989 was all about Batman. People were cutting the Batman symbol into the back of their heads. Burger King had transformed into a Batman store and all tourist shops all over the world were selling Batman t-shirts. Batman was just everywhere that year and I believe it made expectations that the movie just couldn't deliver.

If you notice one thing about all these movies; they were good but not great. Do you think the overhype had something to do with it? I think so!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sure, there was a lot of hype around Batman when it came out in 89, but it's hard to call 89 the internet generation, don't you think? 1989 is still 3 years before Windows 3.1 was released and became a household term. The internet as we know it was in it's infancy at best at the time.

The first Internet Explorer came out in 1995. Netscape's Navigator software was 1994. Even services like AOL and Prodigy weren't really up and going until the very early 90's.

I really think it's kind of tough to call anything prior to 1995 'the internet generation'.

Personally, a better example, that fits with your title would be something like Snakes on a Plane. The hype around it was huge. It was all over the internet and then, when it got released, no one really cared.